Tuesday 16 October 2012

Weird Danish

Hey all of you out there!
This first time will be about me. My background and where I am right now in life.

So, my name is Dani Feller, I'm from Israel, was born in the end of 1985 in a kibbuts. I am a true KIBBUTSNIK in nature, I'm a hard working dude that spent a lot of time working as a COWBOY.

My life brought me to Denmark. I'm married to a Dane. I lived here for about two years already so I've got some insite about Denmark, Danes and all that is included in it.

Since I'm not a blog reader, I dont really know who is reading this right now. But I would very much like to make it a bit more interactive than just me writing and you reading. So to give you an idea of what I mean by: Interactive. I've asked a friend about what she would want to know about me?

Her question: what is the weirdest thing about Danes? (she is danish...)

Answer: Wow, only one thing?!?! that would be tough. I think that the weirdest think about the Danish people is their language! Danish is so fucking hard! but besides being hard its also funny and wierd at the same time.
Lets start with the letters. Å Æ Ø that is so wierd, actually the letters might be wierd but not as  the sounds they make when trying to say them. There are 49 different sound in Danish. Sometimes when Danes speak it sounds like they dont know what they try to say themselfs. I've learned Danish for a year now, and I have to say that; The first thing you understand in danish after learning it is that when two Danes talk with each other half of the time the other is asking: HVAD? meaning, WHAT?
They dont understand each other!!! now imagine how is it for a foreigner..

But on the other hand, I'm a fucking Israeli! My language sounds like arabic... 1-0 Denmark

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